Regenerative Medicine Scientist<br />University of Cologne<br />Marga-and-Walter-Boll-Laboratory<br /> for Cardiac Tissue Engineering<br />Germany
Dr. Sarkawt Hamad
Brief info
Topic: Human Cardiac Organoids for Cell Replacement Therapy
Dr. Sarkawt Hamad is a young researcher in the field of cell and tissue engineering. He earned his PhD in “Cardiovascular Differentiation of human induced Pluripotent Stem Cells (hiPSCs)” from Medical Faculty, University of Cologne - Germany. Currently, his focus is on human iPSCs derived cardiac organoids and cardiac tissue engineering.
Nowadays, he has hands on iPSC technology and a potential research of large animal models of cardiac cell therapy, which are crucially collaborating with his colleagues in Barcelona and Amsterdam.
Dr. Sarkawt is contributing to drive the iPSC technology for the first time to UAE. In collaboration with Hortman Stem Cell Laboratory - Dubai by directing on building a strong team to conduct research related to cardiovascular differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells.
As one of high qualified curriculum in the sector of higher education, he drives and lead a scientific team, which conducts and demonstrate high quality outcome of scientific experiment in Soran University at Kurdistan region – Iraq, University Hospital of Cologne - Germany, Amsterdam Medical School - The Netherlands, “Institut d'Investigació en Ciències de la Salut Germans Trias i Pujol” (IGTP) at Barcelona - Spain, Oujiang Laboratory - China, and Hortman Stem Laboratory - Dubai.
Noteworthy achievement and publication can be highlighted that,
He published several peer-review scientific articles, and contributed in the Marga-and-Walter-Boll-Laboratory - Germany via generating experimental data and supporting students.
In 2019, he had a talk as young scientist in University Hospital of Cologne – Germany.
In May, 2023 Sarkawt co-founded, scaled, and successfully organised the symposium of Marga-and-Walter-Boll Laboratory - Germany and actively he had a talk as a keynote speaker.
Dr. Sarkawt’s approaches is to bring new hope to the medical field through designing personalized medicine and finding alternative way to stop animals use in experiments.